I really enjoy helping people, whether they know the help came from me or not. In this day and age, it is getting harder to help others. Thought I would share with you a few ways to do Random Acts of Kindness that are easy, and basically free or very low cost.
Be a coupon fairy!
Leave non-expired coupons on the items (or on the same shelf) in the store. I did this the other day with $8 worth of Beech-Nut coupons. I do this a lot with diaper coupons as well, since I don't use most of them.
Leave your code behind
Every time I get a Redbox movie, I was sharing my code with the next person in line. I finally got smart and got some Post-It notes, and I leave the Codes on the machine for the next person(s) to use.
Give away multiple rebates
Have you ever bought more that one, and have the information for a duplicate rebate? Send it to some else! What a nice surprise for the recipient. I started doing this for my mom (but you could send to anyone you have an address for) by just filling out the form with her information. You would be surprised how wonderful it is to receive even a $2 check from out of the blue!
Never underestimate the power of Freecycle! You may never know how much you have blessed someone by giving something away.
Clothes drop
Do you know someone in your church or community that has a child that can wear your child's outgrown clothes? Wrap them in a pretty bag, and leave on their doorstep. You will feel like Santa! Especially if you are able to add a small toy.
These are just small ideas. Do you have any others to share? Please share in the comments section!
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5 weeks ago
1 comment:
These are all great ideas.
If Im out in the store, and the person in front of me has forgetten their store card (saves some $$$) then I offer to let them use mine. Did this tonight at FC. Of course I get nothing in return except the happiness of knowing I helped someone out.
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