"If you are not familiar with what the Lemonade Award is, the Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 10 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week. It’s a great way to show these people that you appreciate them."
10 Blogs I would like to nominate:
1. http://onefrugallady.blogspot.com/ just cause I enjoy Jenny's Blog so much!
2.http://makingdowiththenotsonew.blogspot.com/ That lady is a GENIUS!
3.http://nickels-n-dimes.blogspot.com/ Like her posts a lot.
4.http://mommymanaging.blogspot.com/ We have almost the same stores, so I know I can use her info.
5.http://www.thethriftymama.com/ The difinative blog as far as I am concerned!
6.http://justniftythrifty.blogspot.com/ Alana has a real talent for photography and graphics, and I feel blessed just reading her blog!
7.http://www.engineeradebtfreelife.com/ I like their pic by pic tutorials
8.http://www.commonsensewithmoney.com/ Great match-ups, with a lot of deatils.
9.http://queenofmytrailer.wordpress.com/ What a great writer!! And you should see all the fantastic work she has done on her home!
10.http://adventuresoffrugalgirl.blogspot.com my fellow Kizoodle bloggin mama! Melanie I love your blog!
What to Do Now? Please share this opportunity with your favorite bloggers by doing the following:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post.
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link your nomination to your post.
3.Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
4.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Thank you so much for the award! I am honored. :)
Aww. Thanks so much.
You are too sweet! Thanks so much!
Okay, I may sound really dumb, but I have no clue on how to put this award on my blog... someone wanna tell me how? Thanks again Michelle!
I only just found this today (been away from blogdom for a couple of weeks!). Thanks so much for the award! I am honored you've enjoyed my blog. :-)
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