Monday, March 16, 2009

Gret CVS Trip! $1.58 OOP

Still no camera! Sorry guys, it is so much better with pictures, but this was a blog/brag worthy trip!
Transaction #1
Irish Spring Body Wash $4.99
4 boxes of Wheat Thins $4.00
total $8.99
-5 ECB (from cereal deal last week)
-.50 Irish Spring Q(3/15 insert)
-2/2 any Wheat Thins (1/25 insert)
-1/2 any Wheat Thins
total after q's and ECB:
earned 4.99 ECB

Transaction #2
2 Pantene Shampoo 2/$7
2 Pantene Hair Sprays 2/$7
total $14.00
used 4.99 ECB (from #1)
-1.oo off any Panteen Shampoo (P$G insert last month)
-3.50 FREE styler item WYB Shampoo (from 3/15 P&G insert)
-3.50 FREE styler item WYB Shampoo
total $1.09
earned 4 ECB

total would have been $0, but I only had one of the $1 off any shampoo. That would have been sweet though! LOL

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Couponing rocks out loud, doesn't it? I got no paper on Sunday and about flipped out! lol We have delivery but they didn't deliver all weekend at all. I need my coupons! It's how we have food and other products!
Awesome trip! Congrats!
Love your blog name too!