I know you have probably heard a million ways to re-use those metal juice can lids! But here are 3 ways that I actually use them in everyday life!
1. Sink stopper. My drain happens to be the exact same circumference as a juice lid, and my stopper broke so found this out of necessity.
2. Spoon rest. Just throw it in with the dishwater or dishwasher utensil basket, and reuse, or toss.
3. Make great toys for kids! If you have enough, paint some red and some black and have your own over sized checkers game! Use a pillow case or other piece of fabric to make the board.
Have a stack ready for your baby to hold in the high chair, they love tossing them!
Uses matching stickers to decorate them and make your own matching game. Those free ones from Disney wanting you to join their movie club are great to use, or you can generally get a 2 sheet sticker set at Dollar Stores. I then gave my toddler an empty wipes box. She loves pushing the lids thru the slot, and she is learning skills too!
When my oldest was little, I used blue paint to make a paw prints on 3 lids (she really liked Blues Clues) and we played that for hours.
There are thousands of ways to reuse them, leave your favorite way in a comment!
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